
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ello, love

Ello has officially become my new favorite social media site. It's visually very different from most sites out there today and with the promise to never sell my data to third party sites or share my info, I was intrigued from the start. You'll need an invite to join (making it somewhat of a secret society right now) but I can definitely see this becoming a big thing, at least until next week when something newer or more exciting is announced.

Find me on Ello at @czahnow and take some time to explore. You may find yourself looking at some interesting profiles.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Top 5 Most Disrespectful Brands on 9/11

Yesterday was the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Thousands lost their lives, and thousands more lost family and friends. Lives were changed forever, so it's important to commemorate the event and remember the sacrifices that were made. However, in trying to remember 9/11, some brands have overstepped the bounds of respectful.

The Top 5 Most Disrespectful Brands

5. Intimacy Box

Because September 11th is a great time to run a sale on your clearance items.

4. Medieval Times

I don't know about you, but I don't typically associate men jousting with a serious event like 9/11. It's great that they want to show respect for those affected by the tragedy, but a better way to show respect would've been silence.

3. Marriott Hotels

Really? Complimentary coffee and mini muffins for 30 minutes? I think this one is pretty self explanatory.

2. Build-a-Bear

 We will never forget... how to profit from tragedies. I'm totally supportive of having an army bear, especially if some of the profits go to support wounded veterans, but I'm not supportive of advertising this bear on 9/11. Pick pretty much any other day of the year and you'll have my support.

1. Fleshlight
For those of you unfamiliar with what Fleshlight is... make sure to google when there are no children present around you. Fortunately, they deleted their tweet. Unfortunately, they thought it was appropriate to post something in the first place. 

The most appropriate way for a brand to handle 9/11 is to not post anything at all. For those who insist on posting something, Verizon had the right idea on how to show some decency. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

World Suicide Prevention Day

This is not an easy post to write. I've lost two friends to suicide. Several months ago, I almost lost another. Last year, I almost lost myself.

Last year I was diagnosed with depression. I started medication. When the medication was proving to be ineffective, my dosage was doubled.

I have cut myself. I have contemplated ending, what I considered to be, a waste of a life. But luckily for me, I have the most supportive friends and family. I have parents who love me unconditionally. I have friends who put up with my erratic behavior and listen to whatever I have to say. I have a support system that will always be there for me.

Of course, not everyone is as supportive. I've had several people, whom I thought were understanding friends, tell me to "just get over it." As if I could move through the darkness if I just smiled a bit more or tried a bit harder. And therein lies the problem of the dialogue surrounding mental health today. Many people do not realize that a lack of motivation or positivity is a symptom of depression, not the cause of it. The cause of depression is a chemical imbalance that the affected individual has no control over.

So what can we do?

We can start by genuinely listening to others. So many people are fighting internal battles that go beyond depression or other mental illnesses. Oftentimes, these people just want to be heard and want validation that their struggles are real. In your next conversation with someone, try truly listening to what they have to say instead of just waiting for your turn to speak. Ask them questions about their experiences instead of interjecting about your own.

We can learn to understand that things that may be easy to us, may not be easy to others. I'm sorry to all the friends I blew off when I was struggling to make it out of bed. I know that seems basic- just getting up in the morning- but I promise some days it was the most difficult thing I had to face. Understanding what someone is struggling with and not taking it too personally if they have a bad day will go a long way in supporting a friend.

We can be open to conversations about mental illness without jumping to conclusions. If I didn't have supportive friends and family, I'm not sure where I would be right now. Unfortunately there are many out there who are not as fortunate; many who are unable to seek help. If they trust you enough to share their struggles, do not tell them to just try harder and get over it. You can be open with them and tell them that you do not know a lot about their problem, but that you would like to learn more so that you can better support them.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

More Than a Boy Named #Sue

The first time I saw #sue, I assumed it would be a picture of a girl hashtagging her name. Then images related to depression, cutting, and suicide filled my screen. #sue (short for suicide) is one of the "secret" hashtags teens are using to share images related to self-harm on platforms such as Instagram or Twitter. These platforms actively crack down on hashtags such as #suicide or #cutting, so teens are becoming more creative in their ways to circumvent the censors.

In 2012, Instagram was forced to ban the pro-eating disorder hashtag, #thinspo, after many cited it as glorifying self-harm and anorexia. In the interest of maintaining a "positive and healthy community," Instagram included in its policies a guideline that bans images of self-harm and makes the content with these hashtags unsearchable. Their official policy reads:
“While Instagram is a place where people can share their lives with others through photographs and videos, any account found encouraging or urging users to embrace anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders; or to cut, harm themselves, or commit suicide will result in a disabled account without warning. We believe that communication regarding these behaviors in order to create awareness, come together for support and to facilitate recovery is important, but that Instagram is not the place for active promotion or glorification of self-harm.”
So why does #sue fly?

When searching #sue on Instagram, a content advisory warning pops up stating "Please be advised: These images may contain graphic content. For more information and support with suicide or self-harm please tao on learn more." Then users are presented with the options Learn More, Show Posts, or Cancel.

Clearly Instagram is aware of the content being posted, content which may or may not violate the previously stated policy. Are they obligated to ban these posts or deactivate the accounts the images are posted from?

In my opinion, removing the content won't remove the problem. Teens are facing continually growing amounts of pressure and are being diagnosed with depression in record numbers. Removing an outlet where they can vent, express themselves, and hopefully feel some sort of catharsis probably won't help the issue. Instead we need to work to break down the stigma surrounding depression and other mental illnesses so these teens can get the help they need without facing judgement.

Let's use #sue to start a conversation, not to start more censorship.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

LinkedIn: Pursuing a Romantic or Professional Connection

It's been eleven years and one day since LinkedIn was officially launched, and a lot has changed for the company during that time. It has grown to be used by over 225 million members, and is continuing to grow at a pace of two members a second. One thing that hasn't been growing for the better though is the number of inappropriate messages some women are receiving on the site. Some users want to use the site for meeting a potential date who may work in the same industry or share like-minded opinions on business. However, this creates a confusing level of ambiguity for those trying to determine the difference between a one-on-one meeting for a cup of coffee or a one-on-one meeting for a cup of coffee.

This can also create some uncomfortable encounters for those looking to use the site as purely a professional space. The blog SocialCreeps was created to document these such encounters, some of which are beyond unacceptable for a professional environment.

For those who are looking for a bit more of a romantic connection rather than a professional one, have no fear. LinkedUp, hopes to take the ambiguity out of trying to flirt over messages on LinkedIn. It functions essentially like Tinder, allowing users to browse through a database of other users looking for a more personal connection. The users can then "like" profiles of others they are interested in, and hope for a match.

Personally, I think LinkedIn should be a site for strictly business connections, not the next eHarmony. I do, however, realize that sometimes the best connections can be made through unlikely situations.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Run an Empire

I love running. I ran varsity track and cross country throughout high school, ran a half marathon my sophomore year of college, and one day soon I hope to train for a marathon. The only problem is that sometimes I lack the motivation to run on my own. I've got a pretty competitive mindset and I'd much rather be pushing myself to beat someone else, than just jogging along by myself.

I've tried apps like Map My Run before, and while they're great to measure distance and pace, something is missing. And then I heard about Run an Empire.

Run an Empire gamifies running by allowing you to capture territory, then defend it.  A runner successfully captures a territory by running the perimeter of it and then can strengthen his or her territory by running that perimeter multiple times. The territory can then be attacked by another runner in the area.

The project just got funded on Kickstarter, so it hasn't been fully developed yet, but I'm looking forward to the day it is. Making a behavior into a fun game reinforces it in peoples' lives, and with 69.2% of Americans classified as overweight, I think its safe to say we could definitely use a little more exercise.

Monday, April 14, 2014

US Airways Tweets Graphic Image [uncensored]

I'm not sure who is currently running the US Airways Twitter account, but I can almost guarantee they won't be running it tomorrow. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so when a photo of a naked woman with a plane inserted between her legs was tweeted out in response to disgruntled customers who were complaining about a flight delay, you can bet there was a lot of response. 

The good news: Their tweet definitely generated a lot of conversations about the brand.
The bad news: That brand "image" is something we won't be forgetting for a long, long time. 


Soon after US Airways realized their mistake, the tweet was removed and the following apology was sent out. 

Hopefully their investigation provides some answers because in an industry already plagued by constant customer complaints, an image like this can only further a bad reputation.